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A Bio-Inspired approach to rethinking the morphology and deployment of solar panels.



The goal of this project was to draw inspiration from nature to design and create a completely new product or a significant improvement on an existing product. 

The outcome was the EnerTree, an innovative solar panel system that draws functionality and aesthetic inspiration from pine trees and pufferfish. From initial calculations, EnerTree can produce only 7% fewer kiloWatt hours on a clear sunny day than a flat solar panel with the same surface area. The primary benefit is the ability to deploy in untraditional settings, and function more efficiently in icy and snowy conditions. Further development and research is needed to maximize the benefits of the EnerTree. 


Vamsi Choday, Shirali Desai, Teagan Groh, Grace Oberst, Mary Mulcahy


Georgia Tech BIO 4740/8803

Bio-Inspired Design


Design, 3D model, Prototype Creation

We began by researching 25 organisms to identify key functions that were unique or just intriguing and compiled them into the functional matrix shown below.


Based off of the key functions that were highlighted, we brainstormed product ideas and further explored our 5 favorite ideas.


Due to its utility and opportunity for commercial viability, the EnerTree was chosen as the product idea we wanted to explore further. 


Upon further ideation and design exploration we developed the below sketch, CAD, and low-fidelity prototype. (Ignore the Spongebob duct tape, it is all we could find)


Pine wood was used for the final prototype to pay homage to the pine needle inspiration that was used to design the EnerTree.

Final Prototype.jpg
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